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1847 - Historia de la Bandera Estadounidense que se Izó el 17 de Septiembre en la Capital de México.
The History of the Raising of the First American Flag on the Capitol of Mexico. Proceedings in the United States Senate.
Washington: Printed by C. Wendell, 1856.
4o., 34 p. Encuadernado en rústica.
"…That the report of Benjamin S. Roberts, captain of the rifles, made to General Twiggs, on returning to him the American flag which had been the first planted upon the capitol of Mexico, and which he had intrusted to the keeping of Capitan Roberts in the storming of Chapultepec, and the taking of the city of Mexico, bearing date "City of Mexico, 17th of September, 1847," be taken from the files in the office of the secretary of the Senate, and be printed; and that the president pro tempore of the Senate cause an engrossed copy thereof to be deposited in the Department of State with the flag whose history it gives, and which has already been deposited in said department by order of the Senate…".
Estimado $3,000-4,000

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